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The land of thunder dragon


A kingdom perched high up in the Himalayan Mountains, sandwiched between two big countries, China in the North and India in the south, graced and protected by the legendary guardian deities, with hw historical event and visited by many scholar and saints making the countary more blessful and holy. Travelling to Bhutan for pilgrimage is way different from other, since the sacred sides are waying back to the centuarys.




The national emblem, contained in a circle, is composed of a double diamond-thunderbolt (dorje) placed above a lotus, surmounted by a jewel and framed by two dragons. The thunderbolt represents the harmony between secular and religious power. The lotus symbolizes purity; the jewel expresses sovereign power; and the two dragons, male and female, stand for the name of the country which they proclaim with their great voice, the thunder.








Previously all Bhutanese citizens were required to observe the national dress code, known as Driglam Namzha, while in public during daylight hours. The rule was enforced more rigorously in some districts (dzongkhag) than others. Men wear a heavy knee-length robe tied with a belt, called a GHO, folded in such a way to form a pocket in front of the stomach.Women wear colourful blouses over which they fold and clasp a large rectangular cloth called a kira, thereby creating an ankle-length dress. A short silk jacket, or toego may be worn over the KIRA. Everyday gho and kira are cotton or wool, according to the season, patterned in simple checks and stripes in earth tones. For special occasions and festivals, colourfully patterned silk kiraand, more rarely, gho may be worn.Additional rules of protocol apply when visiting a dzong or a temple, or when appearing before a high-level official. Male commoners wear a white sash (kabney) from left shoulder to opposite hip. Local and regional elected officials, government ministers, cabinet members, and the King himself each wear their own colored kabney. Women wear a narrow embroidered cloth draped over the left shoulder, a rachu.The dress code has met with some resistance from Lhotshampa, people of Nepali ancestry, living along the Indian border who resent having to wear a cultural dress which is not their own.

所有不丹公民在公共場合時都必須遵守國家服裝規範(稱為 Driglam Namzha)。此規則在某些地區(dzongkhag)的執行比其他地區更為嚴格。男人穿著一件厚重的及膝長袍,上面繫著一條稱為「GHO」的腰帶,折疊起來在肚子前面形成一個口袋。女人則穿著色彩繽紛的襯衫,在上面折疊並扣上一塊稱為基拉的大矩形布,從而打造出一條長至腳踝的連身裙。 KIRA 外面可以穿一件短絲綢夾克或 toego。日常的 gho 和 kira 根據季節選用棉質或羊毛材質,飾有簡單的土色格紋和條紋圖案。在特殊場合和節日,可以穿著色彩鮮豔的絲綢 kira 和 gho(更罕見)。參觀宗堡或寺廟,或出現在高級官員面前時,適用額外的禮節規則。男性平民從左肩到對側臀部穿著白色腰帶(kabney)。地方和地區民選官員、政府部長、內閣成員和國王本人都穿著自己的彩色卡布尼。女性左肩披著一塊窄繡花布,即「rachu」。這種著裝要求遭到了生活在印度邊境的尼泊爾血統的 Lhotshampa 人的抵制,他們對不得不穿著不屬於自己的文化服裝感到不滿。

Culture and custom.  文化與習俗

Intrepid believes that one of the best ways to experience a country is by eating! Whether you're sampling street food, savouring a cheap eat or indulging in a banquet, there are endless options to choose from wherever you are in the world.Laced with chilli, Bhutanese food is known for being very spicy so be aware of this before digging in. Vegetarians will be spoilt for choice, meat isn’t as prevalent as in some other countries.
Intrepid 相信體驗一個國家的最佳方式之一就是美食!無論您是品嚐街頭小吃、品嚐廉價美食還是盡情享受宴會,無論您身在何處,都有無數的選擇可供選擇。不丹食物中加入辣椒,以非常辣而聞名,因此在食用之前請注意這一點素食者的選擇太多了,肉類並不像其他一些國家那麼普遍。

Eating and Drinking  飲食

Bhutan’s rich and remarkable culture is a real highlight for many visitors. Even though the internet and mobile phones have infiltrated Bhutan in recent years, the traditions and customs that are centuries old continue to endure. Bhutan’s dance, art, drama and music are linked to Buddhism, which is the most-practiced religion in Bhutan. As with most other Asian countries, monks are revered in Bhutanese society and generally afforded great respect for they are the guardians of the predominant faith. Visitors shouldn’t miss out on visiting one of Bhutan’s many monasteries to see daily rituals, monks and pilgrims. Religious festivals are celebrated all year round, from smaller regional festivals practiced only by villages, to large nationally recognised religious ceremonies and festivals. These festivals help to preserve and celebrate an ancient culture, and are full of parades, sports, dance, drumming and art. Bhutan’s distinctive traditional dress is another cultural highlight and it’s possible to see locals wearing fine woven dresses and jackets of different colours and decorations, which often define ones social class or standing.



If you’re after top quality handicrafts and colourful art, then Bhutan will delight. While Bhutan isn’t known as a top shopping destination, there are many talented artisans creating good quality souvenirs to buy here.It's a good idea to check with your local customs officials to ensure that you are able to bring certain items back into your home country. Australia and New Zealand generally have strict quarantine laws.

Things to buy in Bhutan:


1. Hand-Woven Fabric

Traditional weaving is at its very best in Bhutan. Choose from colourful rugs, clothing, blankets and accessories when visiting one of the many textile stores and boutiques in Bhutan’s cities.


2. Traditional Music

Why not pick up a CD of Bhutanese harmonies, or chanting monks, as a melodic stress-buster for when you’re back at home and in work mode.


3. Spiritual Souvenirs

Vibrant prayer flags, fragrant incense and prayer beads make meaningful gifts for friends and family back home.



1. 手工編織布料 不丹的傳統編織工藝最為精湛。參觀不丹城市的眾多紡織品商店和精品店之一,並挑選色彩繽紛的地毯、服裝、毛毯和配件。
2. 傳統音樂 為什麼不買一張不丹和聲或僧侶誦經的 CD,作為您回到家和工作模式時的旋律壓力消除器。

3. 精神紀念品 充滿活力的經幡、芬芳的香和念珠是送給家鄉朋友和家人的有意義的禮物

Best time to visit Bhutan

Although it can be wet from March to May, this is still a good time to visit Bhutan as there are plenty of birds around and the wildflowers are out in bloom. September to November is also a great time to visit as rainfall is lower and views are clear. Although it rains all year round, monsoonal weather can be expected in Bhutan between June and August. From December to February snowfalls may result in road closures and delays. Nevertheless, winter can be a good time to visit as the days are generally sunny (although cold) and the blanket of snow makes for picturesque panoramas.

Geography and environment

This landlocked kingdom may occupy a small space on the world globe but there’s nothing small about the mountains that lie within! Sharing borders with China and India, Bhutan is known as 'The Switzerland of Asia' for its mountainous topography and similarity to Swiss landscapes. Bhutan has largely resisted overdevelopment, which has left much of its natural environment intact. As a result of this, Bhutan is one of the most species-rich countries in the world – with hundreds of species of mammals, birds and plants calling the Bhutanese valleys, mountains and meadows home. Endangered red pandas and snow leopards can be found in Bhutan as well as a huge variety of wild flowers and birds. Most Bhutanese people live simple lives with much less access to modern technology and infrastructure than others in neighbouring countries. There are still many villages that operate without running water and electricity; however, these facilities are widely available in the larger cities. Although Bhutan’s larger cities like Paro and Thimphu do have more access to technology, the pace of life is still slow and most traditional buildings have been preserved, as has the way of life.

Things to try in Bhutan

1. Red Rice

The people of Bhutan eat loads of rice and one thing you’ll notice here is that the rice is of a reddish colour. Grown in the fertile Paro Valley soil, this quick cooking rice has a nutty flavour and is typically paired with mushrooms and chilli.


2. Momo

Although a Tibetan dish, momo is also very popular and widely available in Bhutan. Essentially a dumpling, fillings usually range from cheese to pork or other meats, and are served in batches as a savoury snack.


3. Red Panda Beer

This locally brewed beer is made using a natural fermentation process and often bottled in recycled (pre-loved) beer bottles. Often touted as one of Asia’s best beers, Red Panda is a pleasant surprise - try it for yourself.






1. 紅米 不丹人吃大量的米,你會注意到這裡的一件事是大米呈現微紅色。這種快煮米飯生長在肥沃的帕羅河谷土壤中,具有堅果味,通常與蘑菇和辣椒搭配。

2. 莫莫 莫莫雖然是藏族菜餚,但在不丹也很受歡迎並廣泛使用。本質上是一種餃子,餡料通常包括起司、豬肉或其他肉類,並作為美味小吃批量供應。

3.小熊貓啤酒 這種當地釀造的啤酒採用自然發酵工藝製成,通常裝在回收的(舊的)啤酒瓶中。 Red Panda 經常被譽為亞洲最好的啤酒之一,它會給人帶來驚喜 - 您可以親自嘗試一下。


History and government

Early History

As one of the few countries in the world to have never been conquered or occupied by another, Bhutan has a long history of independent governance. Although its early history is shrouded in mystery, Bhutan is thought to have been inhabited from as early as 2000BC. Tibetan Buddhism was introduced into the region sometime around the 9th century, when many Tibetans fled neighbouring Tibet to seek refuge in Bhutan. The leadership and governance of Bhutan has always been linked to its religion, and this continues in today’s political, legal and religious leadership of the country. The 16th and 17th centuries saw some conflict with Tibet, although Bhutan was never officially taken over by its neighbour. External threats from the British presented themselves in the 18th and 19th centuries; however, once again Bhutan was never officially controlled or governed by an external power.


Recent History

In the last 40 years, Bhutan has had many ‘firsts’. Bhutan introduced a new monetary system and currency in 1974, and also opened up its borders to welcome foreign tourists in the same year. By 2000, Bhutan had its first television set and internet cafe, and by 2004 Bhutan became the first country in the world to ban the sale of tobacco products. Bhutan’s first constitution was drawn up in 2005, and its first democratic multi-party election was held in 2008, when the constitution was finally ratified. Today, Bhutan’s economy relies mainly on tourism, agriculture and forestry, although ‘Gross National Happiness’ continues to be valued more than economic abundance or growth in domestic product.



不丹是世界上少數從未被他國征服或佔領的國家之一,有著悠久的獨立治理歷史。儘管不丹的早期歷史籠罩在神秘之中,但人們認為早在公元前 2000 年就有人居住了。藏傳佛教於九世紀左右傳入該地區,當時許多藏人逃離鄰近的西藏前往不丹尋求庇護。不丹的領導和治理始終與其宗教聯繫在一起,這種情況在當今國家的政治、法律和宗教領導中繼續存在。儘管不丹從未被鄰國正式接管,但在 16 世紀和 17 世紀,不丹與西藏發生了一些衝突。來自英國的外部威脅在 18 世紀和 19 世紀出現。然而,不丹再次從未受到外在勢力的正式控製或統治。




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Our mission is to give our client the best service, safety is our primary concern and we always make sure our client is always safe during the journey and provide the most experience Guide and Driver, to provide even necessary primary needs and equipment to make the trip comfortable and easy. To build trust, so our client dosen't face difficulties traveling to Bhutan.Yours comfort is our pleasure Bhutan Sunshine ''Journey for happiness''




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