Altitude 3120 M
Location: Paro
Country : Bhutan
Paro Taktsang also known as the Taktsang Palphug Monastery and the Tiger's Nest), is a sacred site located in the cliffside of the upper Paro valley in Bhutan. It is one of thirteen Tiger's Nest caves in historical Tibet in which Padmasambhava practiced and taught Vajrayana.
A later monastery complex was built in 1692, around the Taktsang Senge Samdup cave, where Guru Padmasambhava meditated and practiced with students including Yeshe Tsogyal before departing the kingdom of Tibet in the early 9th century. Padmasambhava is credited with introducing VajrayanaBuddhism to Bhutan, which was then part of Tibet, and is the tutelary deity of the country. Today, Paro Taktsang is the best known of the thirteen taktsang or "tiger lair" caves in which he and his students meditated.
The shrine dedicated to Padmasambhava, also known as Gu-ru mTshan-brgyad Lhakhang or "the Shrine of the Guru with Eight Names", refers to Padmasambhava's Eight Manifestations and is an elegant structure built around the cave in 1692 by Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye. It has become the cultural icon of Bhutan.A popular festival, known as the Tsechu, held in honor of Padmasambhava, is celebrated in the Paro valley sometime during March or April
帕羅虎穴寺(Paro Taktsang)和虎穴(Tiger's Nest),位於不丹帕羅山谷上游懸崖邊的一處聖地。它是歷史上西藏十三個虎穴石窟之一,蓮花生大士曾在其中修習和教授金剛乘。 後來的寺院建築群建於 1692 年,位於 Taktsang Senge Samdup 洞周圍,蓮花生大士在 9 世紀初離開西藏王國之前,曾在這裡與包括佛母益西措嘉在內的學生一起禪修和修行。蓮花生大士被譽為將金剛乘佛教引入不丹(當時不丹是西藏的一部分),並且是該國的守護神。如今,帕羅虎穴寺(Paro Taktsang) 是他和他的學生冥想的十三個塔克桑 (taktsang) 或「虎穴」洞穴中最著名的一個。 供奉蓮花生大士的神殿,也稱為Guru Tshan-brgyad Lhakhang 或“八名上師神殿”,指的是蓮花生大士的八顯身,是由嘉瑟丹增饒傑(Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye) 於1692 年在洞穴周圍建造的一座優雅的建築。它已成為不丹的文化標誌。三月或四月的某個時候,帕羅山谷會慶祝一個名為 Tsechu 的流行節日,以紀念蓮花生大士。
Altitude 3120 M
Location: Paro
Country : Bhutan
Chumbu Ney is a holy place located under northern part of Doteng gewog .
The seating place of Khandroma Dorje Phagmo. It's a 5 hours walk from the road point. The Hike begins with the opening gate (Zee Go) formed by two standing rocks. There are many rocks and caves formation associated with Guru Rinpoche and each of it has story and its significance.
The striking feature of the Temple is the Dorji Phagmo (The flying Goddess) statue , commonly known as “floating” statue.e. Dorji Phagmo is also known as Vajravarahi.
This statue is very sacred and ancient as it’s believed that the Goddess Dorji Phamo flew from Tibet and stayed on in the form of a statue. She is a life size statue and believe it or not, her one leg is crossed at the knees and the other is standing but does not touch the ground.
Some people test this belief by passing a money note below her feet and it passes through smoothly without a hitch.
The other site to visit at Chumbu is the Guru Rimpoche Caves. There are several caves used by Guru himself and some caves used by his consorts Khandro Mendharawa and Khandom Yeshey Tshokey.
Chumbu Ney 是位於Doteng Gewog 北部下方的聖地。 康卓瑪多傑帕姆的座位。距路口步行5-6小時。徒步旅行從由兩塊直立岩石形成的大門(Zee Go)開始。有許多與蓮花生大士有關的岩石和洞穴,每一個都有故事和意義。 寺廟的顯著特徵是 Dorji Phagmo(金剛亥母)聖像,俗稱「漂浮」聖像。 這座聖像非常神聖和古老,因為人們相信金剛亥母從西藏飛來,並以聖像的形式留下來。不管你信不信,她是一尊真人大小的雕像,她的一條腿交叉在膝蓋上,另一條腿站立但不接觸地面。 有些人透過將一張鈔票遞到她的腳下來檢驗這一信念,鈔票順利地通過了。 Chumbu 的另一個值得參觀的景點是蓮師石窟 (Guru Rimpoche Caves)。有幾個洞穴是蓮師本人使用的,還有一些洞穴是他的佛母 Khandro Mendharawa 和 Khandom Yeshey Tshokey 使用的。